OG seeks the strength in their numbers

The esports powerhouse OG will build on Shikenso's metrics to take a deep dive into their own data.


Karsten Schonauer
Creative Director
Partnerships / 2 Min.


OG Esports is one of the most successful organisations in the esports classic DotA 2. Having won the very first of Valve's major tournaments at the Frankfurt Major 2015, OG went on to dominate the scene by winning a stunning four out of five Majors from 2015 to 2017. Always hungry for more, OG continued to strive for the Dota universe’s holy grail, the Aegis of Champions, as victors of its ultimate competition:  The International. As the first and thus far only team, they achieved what had been thought impossible: win back-to-back titles.

Since their outstanding DotA2 accomplishments, the team has come a long way, now also fielding rosters in GS:GO and Valorant. With the ongoing growth of their organization and development of new brand partnerships, OG tackled a novel business challenge. Previously, managing and satisfying partnerships and measuring the media value they generate has been a monumental task for participants in the space. Keeping track of performance amidst dozens of channels and hundreds of posts a day requires an immense amount of work - a workload that today needs to be reflected in an efficient and scalable approach.


“We are excited by the Shikenso platform and impressed with the value we believe it brings to our partners. In the time we've used the tool, Shikenso has been quite capable of building aa platform to suit the requirement for both internal use within OG and for us to build presentations based on specific requests from our partners."

Romane Sorine, Head of Partnerships, OG Esports


The strategic partnership between Shikenso and OG is expected to enable the organization to gain deeper insight into their social channels: followers, likes, share and comments - variables that benefit an organisation along every new post.  With our innovative approach to analysing and evaluating partnerships in media, we are honoured to empower OG to gain a profounder understanding of brand integration performance, and equip them with the right tools to report media valuations to their partners (e.g. Red Bull, BMW, SteelSeries, Secret Lab) in a more purposeful manner.



Download the full Press Release here


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